Doula Dos and Don’ts

What is my role as a Doula? First of all, I’m your personal cheerleader. I’m here to listen to your concerns, answer your questions and offer emotional support.

I don’t judge or impose my own beliefs on you and I respect your choices and support you in them. My focus is on helping you have a positive experience, whatever that looks like for you.

I am not a trained medical professional so I don’t provide medical care like midwives do and I don’t make medical decisions on your behalf.

It’s not my role to speak for you, but to empower you to advocate for yourself. I provide information so you can make your own evidence based decisions.

How it works

One of the most important things is to get along with your Doula. If you think that I may be a good fit for your family or you just want to have a chat first, we can set up an initial meeting so we can get a sense for each other and see if we click. It’s always a good idea to meet with more than just one Doula before you make your decision.


If you want me to support you as your birth Doula, we will arrange 2 antenatal meetings where we can get to know each other a bit better and go through your birth preferences. I will be on call for you from 2 weeks before your due date to 2 weeks after.


Once we met and you decided that I am the right Doula for you, we can set up a customized schedule. I usually suggest three hours a day, three days a week but I’m happy to adjust this to your needs.

I would suggest starting your search for a Doula around the 20-week mark to make sure you have enough time to consider all your options.

Already had your baby? Don’t worry, that’s absolutely no problem! Just send me a message and we will look to make things work.

Birth Preparation

If you are interested in 1:1 Birth Preparation, we can arrange a phone call where we can have a conversation about any questions you may have regarding the antenatal course or specific topics you would like to cover.

Once you have booked a 1:1 Birth Preparation course, we can work together to arrange the dates. The Birth Preparation course is typically held on weekends, right at your home. It’s ideal to schedule these sessions between 28-32 weeks of your pregnancy. This allows you enough time to absorb all the information provided and for any follow up questions you may have.

I currently cover most South West London, KT and TW post codes for Postnatal Support and Birth Preparation courses.

Services I offer