
Hello, beautiful people! Today, let us talk about (probably) every Doula’s favorite hormone: the magical Oxytocin. The hormone of love, bonding, and connection. As Doulas, we are firsthand witnesses to the incredible effects this hormone has on the birthing experience, and the journey from pregnancy to postpartum.

But what is Oxytocin? Known as the "love hormone" or "bonding hormone," Oxytocin is a natural chemical our bodies produce, creating that warm, fuzzy feeling of love and emotional connection. During labor and birth, Oxytocin plays a starring role in facilitating contractions, helping labour to progress, and promoting that extraordinary mother-baby bond.

As Doulas we witness the miracle of birth and the dance of Oxytocin in action. This remarkable hormone surges during labor, encouraging a deep connection between mother and child. It envelops the birthing space with positive energy, supporting our beautiful mamas as they bring their precious little ones earthside. But Oxytocin's magic extends far beyond birth! It continues to shine brightly during breastfeeding, fostering an intimate connection between a mother and her baby. Best of all? This hormone isn't just for mums; partners, family, and friends also experience a surge of Oxytocin coming with the newest addition to their family.

So how do we get Ocytocin to work during labour and birth?

  1. Create a Nurturing Environment: Surround yourself with love and positivity. Dim the lights, play soothing music, put on some essential oils. By curating a calming space, you invite Oxytocin to work its wonders..

  2. Establish Trusting Relationships: Trust is the foundation of a positive birth experience. Surround yourself with a supportive birth team, including your partner, family, and Doula. A trusting atmosphere boosts Oxytocin, allowing you to release any fears and embrace the beauty of birth.

  3. Gentle Touch and Massage: Enjoy the power of touch! Gentle massages and comforting strokes from your partner or doula encourage Oxytocin release. These tender gestures create a profound sense of relaxation, easing the intensity of contractions and fostering a deeper connection between you and your baby.

  4. Practice Deep Breathing: During labor, focus on your breath. Slow, deep breathing not only helps you stay grounded but also stimulates Oxytocin production. Inhale the calm, exhale any tension, and go with to the natural rhythm of your body.

  5. Affirmations and Positive Visualization: Fill your mind with positive affirmations and visualize a smooth, empowering birth journey. By visualizing a positive outcome, you signal your brain to release Oxytocin, encouraging a more harmonious and happy experience.

  6. Supportive Companionship: Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you. Loving words, encouraging smiles, and gentle encouragement from your partner, doula, or birthing companions trigger Oxytocin, fostering a sense of security and comfort.

  7. Skin-to-Skin Contact: After your baby arrives, don’t hesitate with skin-on-skin. This magical connection stimulates Oxytocin for both you and your baby, also promoting bonding and breastfeeding success.

  8. Laughter and Joy: Laughter truly is the best medicine! Share lighthearted moments, jokes, and funny stories to boost your Oxytocin levels. Laughing together with your birthing team creates a happy atmosphere!

Want to know more about Oxytocin? Here are some book recommendations:

Oxytocin - Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg

The Oxytocin factor - Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg

The birth Partner -Penny simkin


The Postnatal Plan